Here you find a collection of hilarious zombie jokes.
Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers? No, they eat the fingers separately.
What do zombies like to eat at a cook out? Halloweenies.
What kind of streets do zombies like the best? Dead ends.
Why did the zombie ignore all his new Facebook friends? He was still digesting all his old Facebook friends!
What did the man say to his forgetful zombie wife? You forgot your head because it wasn't attached!
Where do you go to buy zombies? The monSTORE.
What is a zombie's favorite shampoo? Head & Shoulders.
What did the zombie call his new dating handbook? Dying to meet you.
What did the zombie eat after his teeth were pulled? The dentist.
How do zombies tell their future? With their HORRORscope.
What did the zombie say to his date? I just love a woman with braaains!
What type of dogs do zombies like best? BLOODhound.
Do dark circles around the zombie's eyes make him look dead? No, but being dead does.
What do all the Apple zombies keep telling Steve Jobs? We're dying to have you for dinner!
What is a zombie's favorite meal? A MANwich.
Where is the safest place in your home from a zombie? The living room.
Knock, knock! Who's there? Zombie! Zombie who? Braaains!
Where do zombies go swimming? The Dead Sea.
What was the zombie's greatest invention? Canned brains!
What do you call a dead bee? A zomBEE.
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