On this page you find a nice collection of optical illusions and phenomena: See nonexistent objects.
Do you see the nonexistent triangle?
Can you see a triangle? There are no edges in the picture but we can imagine how the object looks.
Do you see the nonexistent cube?
Can you see the cube? It's not painted on the picture.
Do you see the nonexistent star?
Even without contours there seems to be a star on the image.
Kanizsa triangle: Do you see the shape?
Can you see a triangle? There are no real edges in the picture but we can imagine how the object looks. Find more
infos on Wikipedia.
Do you see the nonexistent square?
There is no square on this image, but we can see it.
Do you see the nonexistent circle?
Can you see a circle? There is no real circle drawn in the picture.
Open lines of the Ehrenstein illusion
Find more infos about this picture and the Ehrenstein illusion on
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